Mystery Noise PK-3


Gunsite Guy

Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2021
Trinidad, Co

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  2. 1000-3
I thought I would share my recent experience with an intermittent aggravating noise. About 2-3 weeks ago I started hearing a clicking noise in my 8 month old 2021 machine with 700+ miles. At first I thought it was because I was wearing my newly issued hearing aides. That wasn't the problem. I then looked at it as a possible engine noise. It wasn't. Then if it was a noise while moving, under acceleration, coasting, whatever. Didn't appear to be anything with the drive train. I looked at the door net buckles, the doors, everything around the bed, SATV windshield, Honda roof, seat belt buckles. I taped things, wired tied things, inserted bicycle inner tube between things. If I could have picked it up and shook it, I would have. It did sound sort of like a piece of road gravel was just rolling around. I didn't think anything was serious and I was really at the point of trying to ignore it until something really did developed.

So I was sort of leaning on the roof, arms over my head, just staring into the cab and when I moved, I heard a click. A little more tugging and pushing and Viola!!! I could reproduce the Clicks. Upon further examination the Honda roof clamps, particularly the ones in the back needed tightening. Both the clamps in the rear took 3 turns and two of the clamps in the front corners needed 2 turns. So, all four corners took a bit of adjusting.

I installed the roof and windshield myself, as I did on my P500. I may go check it today.


s/f Steve


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Oct 27, 2019
SE Denver-ish

  1. Talon R
If you decide to Loctite those screws note that Loctite kills plastic, turns it brittle - so don't let the two touch each other.


Fife! POIDH Enforcement Officer
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Jul 24, 2016

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  2. Talon X
Like i tell my apprentices. Always look at the easy stuff first and get that out if the way or you’ll go insane! Work Smarter Not Harder I always say! Glad you found your issue
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