P1000 Muley's Build - Finally Starting



Lifetime Member
Apr 19, 2018
Lake Kiowa, TX

  1. 1000-5
Okay, I bought my 2017 1000 5D 9 months ago with the explicit purpose of my annual mule deer trip to Wyoming. At the time, had no intention of any kind of mods. Then I discovered this site a couple of months ago. It's all over now but the crying. I just thought I didn't need to accessorize. Silly me. Anyways, I've got lots of stuff ordered and it's all started arriving so here we go. It will be a slow build. For one, I don't have near the shop space or tools available I see in some of these builds. I'm very jealous. Plus I split time between two residences, suburbia and a lake house. The P1000 is at the lakehouse where I would be full time except for family duties back in suburbia. But I thought I would document the build anyways. It won't be near as complex or elaborate as some of the builds I've seen but it's pretty elaborate for me. I would have never dreamed of tackling these without finding this site and all the know how that's shared on here. Especially the electrical. So to get started, I thought I would post some before pictures. The first is bringing it home from the dealer August, 2017. The second and third is basically 5 weeks later in the high Rockies of Wyoming right on the Continental Divide, 1st week of October. Basically, did my break-in there the first few days. It performed exceptionally well there. My only complaint was the heat issue, even in the cold we encountered. Although it provided great glove warmers. But the steam baths would take our breath away. I've already started on the bilge pump solution. And my tires. Most of the time, the stock tires worked great. But after a hard rain, the trails just turn to snot and the treads would just become packed and give no traction. It was livable but ultimately I'll probably do something there too. The unit came from dealer with hard top and the Honda split windshield, hard coated. I immediately put on Seizmik Strike Force mirrors, which I love but have actually just recently had a failure on those. I'll post a separate writeup on that. On order or arrived, bilge fan, switches and switch plate, dual battery setup, gun rack, vent lines, winch kit, cube lights, grill light kit, etc. I'm sure I've forgotten something. Stuff seems to be arriving daily IMG 5240IMG 5364IMG 5362


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Let the spending ROLL ON!!!!!!!
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Lifetime Member
Apr 19, 2018
Lake Kiowa, TX

  1. 1000-5
I mentioned in my opening build post that I had had a failure of my Seizmik mirrors. Let me preface this post for those that won't read my complete rambling, that the customer service at Seizmik was fantastic. 9 months after purchase. What happened was I was riding the grandkids around the vacant lot next door. No rough trail riding in the least. One mirror just falls off. I look at the one that is still installed and can see that it's about to fall off. The molded ABS knuckle at the base of the mirror has just completely deteriorated. This machine has only had two weeks of rough riding in the Wyoming Rockies and since then has been garaged with some random romps with the grandkids up the long gravel drive and vacant lot next door. I called Seizmik and they were well aware of the failure mode. Apparently, there was some kind of flaw in the material/molding process of the knuckle joint. They have since changed the manufacturing process. So if you have this mirror, dependent on the manufactured date, you could have this problem also and just lose your mirror without even noticing it. I have included a picture of the one still installed so you can see what to look for. Anyways, Seizmik acknowledged the failure with no questions asked other than my address so they could send me replacement knuckles which arrived 5 days later. I had no receipt or any kind of proof of purchase other than pictures which were never asked for. Made a loyal customer out of me.
Mirror1 Mirror2
The still installed mirror. Notice the visible cracks in the base.
This is a picture of the replacement knuckle joint next to the failed one


Lifetime Member
Apr 19, 2018
Lake Kiowa, TX

  1. 1000-5
Some progress to report on my build. Got the gun racks installed. Jury is still out on these. It can get so dusty where we hunt in Wyoming, we usually keep our rifles in soft cases to keep the grit out of them which won't fit in these racks. I'm hoping mounted in the top like this, perhaps they won't be as dusty. But that's why we break them down every evening and make sure the actions are clean.GunRack1 Gunrack2 Gunrack3


Lifetime Member
Apr 19, 2018
Lake Kiowa, TX

  1. 1000-5
Got the dual battery setup , solenoid, and circuit breaker installed, plus the radiator fan installed in the underseat area. Plus cutout for the switches. I've got a panel from Mystic, just waiting for some more switches to arrive. The wiring will get cleaned up after I get my switch panel installed. But after meticulously cutting out these individual switches in the dash, I realized that I can't preinstall jumpers on my switch panel, would have to individually wire each switch from the back. Not good. I was trying to avoid cutting out a large hole in my dash. This is my first project like this so tearing up a perfectly good dash was haunting to me. But looking at the work involved with individually wiring up each switch from the back, I think I will get over it. I'm making a run to town to get some various supplies, will be getting a shorter bolt for the fan install, lol.
Battery IsolatorElectrical AccessRadiator FanSwitch Panel


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Mar 14, 2017

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There seems to be a few switches missing.


Lifetime Member
Apr 19, 2018
Lake Kiowa, TX

  1. 1000-5
There seems to be a few switches missing.
Yep, the balance of the switches should be arriving by the end of the week. I had to call OTRATTW today for a couple of custom rockers to finish out the order

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