MFGA! make forums great again



Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2017
Mid TN
Lately ive been noticing the decline in quality of forums i frequent. Between diesel truck forums, offshore powerboats, SxS, and engineering forums there are quite a few i visit through out the day, or i should say used to. I'm not sure when it started but i remember when there was rarely a situation or issue that i couldn't jump on one of these forums and find an answer to or a helpful person willing to tell me everything they could to help. Ive rebuilt trucks and tackled many projects that i was able to work through with the combined knowledge of the people on these forums. Ive noticed lately when i go to look something up and look at the date of the thread is all older maybe back in the Hayday if you want to call it that of Forum knowledge.

Nowadays everything has turned into a D**K measuring contest on most of these sites. on the off chance you find a question that isnt "Will 35s rub on my stock truck"...or "Whats size trailer do i need for my SxS" you will see somebody give their advise of wisdom on the subject. Then, shortly after someone else will come along completely disagree with them based on some third party sisters cousins a mechanic blah blah, and before the 5th post on the subject its a pissing contest...

Anyway i just wanted to say this forum is one of the last of a dying breed. Ive been a member for about a year now. I dont believe i have ever seen anything less than a great group of people who have a genuine love of offroading, and comradery for their fellow trail rider. People are willing to help in anyway they can, if its offering up a place to stay for a complete stranger you met on the internet, or fixing a guys mangled machine while he is sleeping so he can ride that day. its an amazing thing.

I just wanted to say this place is awesome and keep up the good work guys.


Beast of the East
Lifetime Member
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Club Contributor
Dec 22, 2016
Painesville Ohio

  1. 1000-5


Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
Supporting Member
Mar 14, 2017

  1. 1000-3
I don’t know what you said because I got bored reading @BeerMonkey but I disagree and mine is better than yours...

Ok carry on.

Are you nuts @nbomar?????

You know that my rig is WAAAAYYYY BETTER than yours and it's definitely faster.

This is one of the last old school, get along with everyone and show a lot of respect forums for sure!


Club Founder
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Lifetime Member
Supporting Member
Feb 13, 2013
Charlotte, NC

  1. 1000-5

  2. Talon R
You said it.. What a great forum and group of guys. I totally agree. This has been a great community. Ya, there has been some tough times and lots of people have come and gone, and a few returned, but overall everyone gets along well. Back in the day I never dreamed this site would be what it is today. I still cant believe that this April we expect 300+ strangers to meet up just to go ride. That is insane for sure.

As for the future, I have so many ideas. More then your standard forum... I just don't have the time, but things are looking up as change is coming. I have already invested in a new server and will be pushing to introduce HondaSxS 2.0 by fall.
Wish me luck.

But know. Its not me. Its you. The members, the guest visiting daily, the guys meeting up to go riding, and those posting to help someone they dont know. As without all you it would be nothing.
Thank you.