P700 Inexpensive fix for rear door rattling



May 10, 2020

  1. 700-4
I bought a 2020 Honda Pioneer 700-4 Deluxe last year and love it...what I don't love so much however is the rattling! I searched every video I could find on the subject and found many that were helpful. After eliminating most of the rattling I was left with one more - the two back doors! Again, I found a video that was helpful but the product they recommended was very expensive. I'm referring to after market "door bushings". These can cost upwards of $100. My doors had about a 1/8" of play. Doesn't seem like much but enough to make an annoying rattle when going over desert trails. The fix I came up with was strip of copper wire. As you can see I cut off a piece about a foot long and threaded it behind the top of each door pin. I then twisted it tight, cut off the excess and tucked it in as best I could. I took it for a test ride and was pleasantly surprised to discover that all the door rattling was gone!! I had that spool of wire laying around in my garage for a while and don't know how much I paid for it but am quite sure it wasn't much. This fix may not be for everyone if aesthetics is important, but honestly, you can hardly see the little knot. Anyway, thought I'd share this with everyone.
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