I have a 2020 Talon R, and around 120 miles I noticed some grease coming out of the inboard drive shaft boot on the rear driver's side. It's only coming out next to where the clasp is for the boot band, but it's enough that it's slinging some grease on the frame and engine. I took it to my local Honda dealer (04/16) and the guys were very nice and came outside to the parking lot to take a look at it. They looked at it and since nothing was wrong with the boot itself (nothing torn or cut), and just a little bit of grease around the edge, they said that amount may have been some excess grease that was next to the band since it is packed with a ton of grease around 170 grams or so. They said to clean off the grease and run it again to see if more comes out. They said if more comes out that they would probably only replace the band and it'll be OK. So this weekend I added another 70 miles on the Talon and you can see the photos from 04/19 that it's still doing it. It's not a lot, but wondering if anyone else has had this problem and if that amount looks like it's only from excess grease that's not on the other side of the band.