P1000 Emergency transport applications



Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2017
Rocky Mountains

  1. 1000-5
Does anyone, or has anyone used their rig for emergency search and rescue or patient transport?

My recent purchase of the awsome P1000 was weighted on a recent experience with an aging neighbor who started calling his relatives in the middle of a raging blizzard and claiming he was dieing. I got the information second hand by email, and being the closest resident (about a mile away) became sort of a designated first responder......with no easy way to get to his residence. Turns out, after hiring a large Cat Loader on my dime to plow him out, it was mostly drama. The process which eventually involved Sheriff, EMT etc., took way too long to extract this elderly patient (7 hours!).

In this case, if I had had my tracked P1K, I could have simply motored to his house and loaded him and his O2 tanks and had him to plowed pavement in 30 minutes.

Had he been immobile, I would have needed a way to adapt to carry a litter. Anyone here done that?
If so, input is greatly appreciated. If not, I am checking with some resources I have with the local first responder community and will post solutions for those who might be interested.

Thanks for this amazing site!


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2016
Kodiak, AK
P1000 - Casualty Evac Modification

This was a thread last summer. Never heard back from whether they found a solution. My personal opinion would be just use a backboard across the width of the bed and not overthink it. A couple tie downs and they won't go anywhere.
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Well-Known Member
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Jan 27, 2016

  1. 1000-5
IMG 3698 IMG 3697 IMG 3696
Does anyone, or has anyone used their rig for emergency search and rescue or patient transport?

My recent purchase of the awsome P1000 was weighted on a recent experience with an aging neighbor who started calling his relatives in the middle of a raging blizzard and claiming he was dieing. I got the information second hand by email, and being the closest resident (about a mile away) became sort of a designated first responder......with no easy way to get to his residence. Turns out, after hiring a large Cat Loader on my dime to plow him out, it was mostly drama. The process which eventually involved Sheriff, EMT etc., took way too long to extract this elderly patient (7 hours!).

In this case, if I had had my tracked P1K, I could have simply motored to his house and loaded him and his O2 tanks and had him to plowed pavement in 30 minutes.

Had he been immobile, I would have needed a way to adapt to carry a litter. Anyone here done that?
If so, input is greatly appreciated. If not, I am checking with some resources I have with the local first responder community and will post solutions for those who might be interested.

Thanks for this amazing site!


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2017
Rocky Mountains

  1. 1000-5
P1000 - Casualty Evac Modification

This was a thread last summer. Never heard back from whether they found a solution. My personal opinion would be just use a backboard across the width of the bed and not overthink it. A couple tie downs and they won't go anywhere.


I am usually guilty of overthinking and engineering these things. That said I would feel stupid if there was something simple and effective out there for a P1000. My son is Asst. Chief for the local district and my neighbor is a Paramedic for a pretty large I-70 corridor agency and they are working on this too. I might just grab a spare back board and or SAR litter from the firehouse this weekend and see what I can come up with. Hopefully something simple and effective. I just want to have the proper rigging on hand along with the procedure to use it in my head just in case.


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2017
Rocky Mountains

  1. 1000-5
That's kind of the direction I want to go with this. Something I can set up quickly that is not too intrusive but is adaptable to different situations. I sit as a board member on my local FPD and monitor calls to keep abreast of first response needs and issues. There is a often huge gap time wise for responses to remote poor access emergencies. Not any specific agencies fault. It's just that by the time you get EMT, Sheriff, SAR, and the necessary equipment on site to transport a crazy amount of valuable time is burned. Something that shouldn't happen when the guy up the road from the patient has a SXS, or whatever, and he would be perfectly willing to help it he was in the loop, and had the means to transport.

Any more great ideas are appreciated!


Apr 25, 2015
Palm Bay, Florida
Does anyone, or has anyone used their rig for emergency search and rescue or patient transport?

My recent purchase of the awsome P1000 was weighted on a recent experience with an aging neighbor who started calling his relatives in the middle of a raging blizzard and claiming he was dieing. I got the information second hand by email, and being the closest resident (about a mile away) became sort of a designated first responder......with no easy way to get to his residence. Turns out, after hiring a large Cat Loader on my dime to plow him out, it was mostly drama. The process which eventually involved Sheriff, EMT etc., took way too long to extract this elderly patient (7 hours!).

In this case, if I had had my tracked P1K, I could have simply motored to his house and loaded him and his O2 tanks and had him to plowed pavement in 30 minutes.

Had he been immobile, I would have needed a way to adapt to carry a litter. Anyone here done that?
If so, input is greatly appreciated. If not, I am checking with some resources I have with the local first responder community and will post solutions for those who might be interested.

Thanks for this amazing site!

Do you know if you would like to have a stretcher only and/or a action area seat? That is going to be something you need to know before you start looking. You can throw a backboard in anything with a bed for transport only.
I'm in Florida and we have 2 Kubota's with custom built beds with stretcher and action area seats which makes it a 2 person EMT unit just like a rescue.
Good luck and if you go with honda share those pictures.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2017
Rocky Mountains

  1. 1000-5
Do you know if you would like to have a stretcher only and/or a action area seat? That is going to be something you need to know before you start looking. You can throw a backboard in anything with a bed for transport only.
I'm in Florida and we have 2 Kubota's with custom built beds with stretcher and action area seats which makes it a 2 person EMT unit just like a rescue.
Good luck and if you go with honda share those pictures.
Right now I'm looking at both options. My son is scrounging a spare stokes litter and a backboard and we are going to see how they fit. The split seat option has appeal for obvious reasons. Having been on the wrong side of the emergency transport equation FTF with an EMT is a good thing. Depending on how things fit, we will decide if split is an option. Our dept. has a ton of talent and fab skills and really acts as a team to make this stuff happen. These guys really give me hope for this countries future with their selflessness and dedication to help others. My son just got approved for a P1000 and is going through, the final should I or shouldn't I do this process. He would also do a retrofit if it is workable.
Right now this is playing second fiddle to massive snow removal efforts on my part to prep. for the next series of storms headed my way. Pictures/details upcoming as the process evolves.
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New Member
Jan 23, 2017
Pasco, WA

  1. Do not currently own
Our dept is going through this currently. I would like the 1000 5 with a custom made insert to take advantage of the split seat in the back for PT care. Think we will end up with 1000 3 with the custom insert for backboard and gear and EMT seat.
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