Dear HondaSxS Community

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Club Founder
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Feb 13, 2013
Charlotte, NC

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  2. Talon R
I wish to enlighten you on some recent issues pertaining to this community.....


Club Founder
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Feb 13, 2013
Charlotte, NC

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  2. Talon R
Recently a member has been put on post moderation due to disrespectful post towards the community and its members. Some not so nice things were said and posted in response to members new and current. I have been trying to smooth things over for some time as I did not wish to moderate a top member. Yet the post continued to come. This past week I was forced to invoke just that. I will not allow this community to become an eyesore brought upon by one individual.

Elsewhere this individual has played it off as though the goal and reason for moderation was so we could monitor, clean up and remove any post made on the Pioneer downfalls, thus turning this site into a “Honda love fest” with a bunch of “idiot fanboys”. That is far from the case.

It is understandable that an individual could become somewhat confused being this is a HONDA Side by Side site built for the purpose of sharing our side by sides with the world. What confuses me is that we have the same goal. Wishing nothing more than the next that Honda would build the ultimate SxS able to compete with the “big boys” on the dunes and the trail…. even if that meant it was priced accordingly. As this individual is still accepted and consider a member; I will accept his comments as a request and work to build a section just for the purpose of identifying and discussing the Pioneer downfalls. There, members will be more then welcome to discuss Honda and the issues we have with the SxS line. Only request, we shale respect each other, this community and others.

As for me, I have worked hard to offer this community to the members. I am not perfect, I am not a “pro” at managing a community, I have asked for and accepted your help on many of things and I thank you for that. Though I would love to be affiliated with Honda, I am not. My attempts to connect with them have only seen a response of Payment Past Due notice. I have given a lot to seeing this site grow and I will continue to look for ways to improve it. I am always searching for ways to give more back to the community and to the wonderful members God has lead here.

If you have any questions don’t be afraid to send me a PM or post below. I am open minded and understanding. I will discuss anything you like here or there.

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May 30, 2014
I moderate another board myself and there are always going to be haters out there trolling to create a problem.

A moderators job is like a gate watcher, the gate is there to keep bad people out and allow good people in.

If someone cannot follow the rules and regulations and interact in a civil manner with other members in public, they remain on the other side of the gate.

This is a great site with great info and members, it needs to remain that way and not be degraded.
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Nov 11, 2013
That's sad to hear that is happening but there is always one that can ruin it for everyone else. I will say this everyone that I've dealt with this community has been great and made some new friends. The last group ride was awesome had a good time and the people that was there was great to talk to. Like we already new everybody and got along great. It didn't matter if you was ridin a honda or not. I'm glad hondasxs is taking care of this and not tolerating it.


Lifetime Member
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Sep 16, 2013
i agree with you guys im glad hondasxs took care of buisness its way better peaceful


My EcoBoost has I4WD
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Jul 25, 2013
Shelby County, Alabama

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I have no issues with sharing an opinion on the machine, everyone has one and a forum is the place to share it. Some people have bad experiences or the machine does not function for their intended purpose, no one is perfect not even Honda, and they may regret their purchase. I know I have very much regretted the recent purchase of my Silverado, and shared that opinion with anyone who is considering buying one. Rant all you want about your machine, don't resort to calling people names because you are angry and regret your purchase.

When a member unfortunately resorts to uncivilized behavior, that behavior has to be put in check.
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