CO trail ride



Active Member
Dec 22, 2016

  1. 700-4
There comes a time in life when you can see farther in the rearview mirror than you can through the windshield so if there's anything you might want to do you better get on it. Never been out west before so I got to watching YouTube vids about Colorado trails and decided to go experience some first hand the end of August. I didn't want to chance any P700 high altitude woes so I took the Rubi.

I did 2 days each at Red Cone, Mt Antero and North Divide 717. I believe that gave me a good mix of what CO had to offer and they were only about 90 miles from each other.

Had to do this on the cheap so I car camped the whole trip, brown bagged my meals and showered at different stops...usually $2-5 a pop.

IMG 1933

Wanted to savor my first time across Old Man River so I took this ferry. One word of caution...the approach angles both on and off the ferry are pretty steep. I had to drive at a 45 (or less) degree angle to keep from scrubbing. The ferry operators were very helpful and knew all the tricks.

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IMG 1938

Red Cone. What a way to pop the cherry. Below treelike is rocky but smoother above it. Met some great locals on the way up that offered me to ride with their group that day. Went down Radical Hill but did not go up it...maybe next time. Awesome trails.

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Mt Antero. Once again below treelike is really rocky but smooths out above it. Shelf roads and switchbacks...super cool.

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North Divide 717 By far the funnest riding. Crazy amount of 50" trails. Probably could have stayed here 3-4 days to ride it all.

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Interesting rock formation on the 717. According to my vast archaeological knowledge it was 'erected' about 400BC by the Mi-So-Horni tribe.

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Of course I had to find some BBQ in KC and this one came highly recommended. Probably 15-20 min off of I-70. It was very good.

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A great trip all around. Can't wait get back out west. Maybe Utah or NM next.

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