


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2018

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Anyone else catch this drama last night?

Any else appalled at Garret receiving 100% of the blame despite it being CLEAR that Rudolph started it?

The way the NFL treats quarterbacks is disgusting. And leads to this kinda crap- because the QB knows he can start stuff with ZERO repercussions. What weasel.

One more reason to not be watching the NFL.

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President of #NTC
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Jan 30, 2018
Canton, OH

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Anyone else catch this drama last night?

Any else appalled at Garret receiving 100% of the blame despite it being CLEAR that Rudolph started it?

The way the NFL treats quarterbacks is disgusting. And leads to this kinda crap- because the QB knows he can start stuff with ZERO repercussions. What weasel.

One more reason to not be watching the NFL.

Thanks for the link. I just asked about this in [HASHTAG]#NTC[/HASHTAG]


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2018

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which really highlights what great move removing the helmet of Rudolph to smack him in the head with it was ....o_O...
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May 30, 2018

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To be clear, I don't care about either team or really the NFL in general.

Same. I am interested to hear what some more engaged fans have to say about it though. The talking heads are certainly all about condeming Garrett for whatever reason. Because he won I guess?

IMO we live in a society where not enough people get smacked in the mouth for doing/saying things they shouldnt...which is precisely why they do/say those things soo often.

I'm a fan of his reaction to being pushed. Don't start it, but finish it. Good example.


President of #NTC
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Jan 30, 2018
Canton, OH

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Personally I don't care who started it.
Every single person that left the bench should be fined and suspended. The fines should be donated to Takeover giveaways.
Every single person that threw a punch, kick or swung a helmet should be banned from the NFL for life. Bar rules ... throw everyone out. f*** if they even shoved someone banned their asses too.

You want stupid s*** to stop. That will make a statement for sure.
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Jan 30, 2018
Canton, OH

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Could be a UFC PPV offer made to the participants? Those proceeds can go to the Takeover giveaways too! :D


President of #NTC
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Jan 30, 2018
Canton, OH

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At the 1:17 or so mark in the video it looks to me like the Pittsburgh guy does start the nonsense by trying to remove the Browns guy's helmet. I didn't see the game so there certainly could be something more in the 3 full quarters 14 minutes 52 seconds leading up to that BS. Like you I'm interested to hear opinions from people that did watch it.
DG Rider

DG Rider

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And FWIW...yes Rudolph kinda started it but what Garrett did was so over the top I'd expect no one to remember that. By all rights, he could have faced criminal charges though he probably won't.

I do agree that the protection given the QB these days is almost self defeating of a "contact" sport, but libs and SJW's are out to close it down, and if we are going to continue to enjoy the sport as we know it, it has to make an effort to reduce the injuries...esp concussions. Otherwise it's going to become pro flag football.

Certainly, it will make it hard to compare the numbers of someone like Mahomes to, say, Steve Young, when young took hits weekly that would get a DB ejected from today's game.
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I dont support the nfl they are a bunch of cry babies.

Is no one concerned by the fact that #53 pouncey for the Steelers tried to kick a guy in the head while he was held to the ground. Had he actually landed that kick and not hit the calf of the browns player he could have really f***ed the guy up or even paralyzed him.

I think all sports should adopt hockey rules. The fight is one on one until someone is on the ground then the fight is over.


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2018

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Sequence of events I see:

Garrett tackles Rudolph as hes throwing the ball.

Rudolph gets upset because Garrett continues to drag him to the ground...
Side note- I don't know how Garrett could possibly be aware Ruldolph didn't have the ball at this point. It was a clean hit.

Rudolph throws a fit like a small child because he is SHOCKED that someone had the AUDACITY to hit the QB.

Rudolph attempts to remove Garrett's helmet via the face mask.

Garrett, the larger and physically superior man, engages (as he should have) and wins the race to unmask the other man.

Garrett is peeled off by two lineman.

Rudolph, lesson still not learned, with newly instilled confidence via the other two three hundred lb men wearing the same jersey now holding the man he picked a fight with, pursues (literally runs after) Garrett taking a swing/kick at his lower half.

Garrett, with two 300lb men on him, uses the only free limb he has to retaliate.

What was said? I imagine Rudolph said something to the effect of "if you stain my coral shorts my daddy is going to sue your pants off MyLeSsSsS"

What a wienie.


President of #NTC
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Jan 30, 2018
Canton, OH

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Sequence of events I see:

Garrett tackles Rudolph as hes throwing the ball.

Rudolph gets upset because Garrett continues to drag him to the ground...
Side note- I don't know how Garrett could possibly be aware Ruldolph didn't have the ball at this point. It was a clean hit.

Rudolph throws a fit like a small child because he is SHOCKED that someone had the AUDACITY to hit the QB.

Rudolph attempts to remove Garrett's helmet via the face mask.

Garrett, the larger and physically superior man, engages (as he should have) and wins the race to unmask the other man.

Garrett is peeled off by two lineman.

Rudolph, lesson still not learned, with newly instilled confidence via the other two three hundred lb men wearing the same jersey now holding the man he picked a fight with, pursues (literally runs after) Garrett taking a swing/kick at his lower half.

Garrett, with two 300lb men on him, uses the only free limb he has to retaliate.

What was said? I imagine Rudolph said something to the effect of "if you stain my coral shorts my daddy is going to sue your pants off MyLeSsSsS"

What a wienie.
That is what I saw in the video as well.


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I don't have a dog in this race... but the hit was late and the guy held the QB down and wouldn't let him go. So QB tugged on the guys helmet cuz he was mad and trying to get the guy to let go. So the guy rips off QB's helmet while a couple guys are trying to get him away from their QB, QB follows trying to get his helmet back, and the guys hits him in the head with his own helmet! And some are mad that the other steeler tried kicking someone? Give me a break! you could easily be killed by a 280 pound professional athlete hitting you on the head with a blunt object! Just cuz you're on a football field doesn't mean it's not assault, or attempted homicide or manslaughter or whatever. I HATE the NFL by the way. But to defend the guy that hit the QB with a helmet is just plain crazy. Everything else that happened is whatever, others were punished - but the helmet thing is a very, very big deal and any team that signs that guy after doing that on the field is a total joke.

Reminds me of Marty Mcsorley, and Todd Bertuzzi


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Sep 12, 2016
Central Iowa

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I don't have a dog in this race... but the hit was late and the guy held the QB down and wouldn't let him go. So QB tugged on the guys helmet cuz he was mad and trying to get the guy to let go. So the guy rips off QB's helmet while a couple guys are trying to get him away from their QB, QB follows trying to get his helmet back, and the guys hits him in the head with his own helmet! And some are mad that the other steeler tried kicking someone? Give me a break! you could easily be killed by a 280 pound professional athlete hitting you on the head with a blunt object! Just cuz you're on a football field doesn't mean it's not assault, or attempted homicide or manslaughter or whatever. I HATE the NFL by the way. But to defend the guy that hit the QB with a helmet is just plain crazy. Everything else that happened is whatever, others were punished - but the helmet thing is a very, very big deal and any team that signs that guy after doing that on the field is a total joke.

Reminds me of Marty Mcsorley, and Todd Bertuzzi

Lol I dont think Rudolph was running along asking for his helmet back. Lots of guys at fault here that did things they shouldn't have.