P1000 Bolt threads dor doors



Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
May 18, 2016
Western NC (Hayesville)

  1. 1000-3
Got back yesterday from being out of town and decided to take the doors off again.

When I put them back on a few weeks ago I noticed one of the bolts would not go in all the way it was stripped. I assumed that this was a bolt problem.

Just now I looked closer and tried swapping bolts for a good one and it immediately went smooth and stripped so I looked inside the inserts and that is what is messed up.

Trying to use one of the stripped bolts into another opening like an idiot and it messed up the threads there too, so now I have two out of the four bolts that were going for the door. Probably won't hurt anything just having 2 but still..

Must be cheap China stuff. The only solution I can come up with is to buy a tap and die set and re-thread for 10 mm. Unless someone else has a suggestion???