Any one here familiar with this site?



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Oct 27, 2017
Deep in the heart of Dixie, Kentwood, La.

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Massive Militia 2nd Amendment Rally To Take Place At Virginia Capitol On January 20th 2020

There is some really good info being posted about the tyrannical gun control going on in Va, with some good videos. If the state attempts to fulfill their wish, hell will break loose because their BS rules will not be allowed by Patriots. I do not personally know even ONE LEO that would support that BS, much less enough to carry out the orders. The vast number of folks on the site support 2A, but naturally there are those that abhor the Constitution and traditional America. They even have their own montecresto1 ... lol


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Aug 22, 2014
Southern MO

  1. 700-2
Wow, thanks for posting. There are suburbs of Chiraq trying the same stuff. Luckily it won't stand. The overpopulated cities are what's ruining our earth and now they want to spill over into the open spaces.I get a kick out of the new fad of moving your hipster self out of the over run cities and living off grid. Those same liberal hipsters will soon find themselves needing firearms to live off the land and protect what they've built. Or they face the shame of moving back into the city and gnawing on lettuce while they suck down the next trendy fad "beer". At least there will be a ton of cheap cabins for sale when the reality sets in.

What gives me hope are the numerous shows on now like North Woods Law. Heck it seems like everyone outside of New York city limits is driving around in their 1 ton down to a Prius blasting at the critters. There's a growing number of gun owners and the media won't tell you that. Just look at what Obama did for gun sales. Hell, I bought a last minute pistol when it looked like Killary the hypocrite was going to win.

It's always the loud whiny minority that draws the attention of media and legislators but common sense voters usually win in the end. That being said, I'm an NRA lifer and always send a few bucks towards any local pro 2nd amendment group that crosses my path.


Lifetime Member
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Aug 22, 2014
Southern MO

  1. 700-2
The problem with liberals moving to rural area is they want to bring their BS way/rule/law with them.

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Yep, there's actually many problems with their overflow. It's sickening. I'm all for everyone having their own morals. Just don't go pushing them on me unless I seek them.

And that's what's wrong here. That side, tends to be pushy. Always trying to pick a fight and gain followers. We just want to be left alone.