2020 Dead Turkey thread!!



Let’s seem them 2020 Thunder chickens!
E1789683 98D6 45F9 8342 7A947F7DADEE
49536796 EE41 4128 B830 3607C4364D5A
90570A9C E078 4337 B16B BC7D844A0D70
Had a good stalk on this guy... saw him about 600 yards out in the field and eased through the woods to get setup on him. After about 30-45 minutes with a little calling, I could tell he wasn’t going to do anything. A 75 yard belly crawl across the wheat field was my only option.
4506DD03 CCE0 4645 8C6F 8C29A9DA080D

But the hens out in the field we’re going to make it tricky. I had on old nervous hen come within 5 yards about a half dozen times. He didn’t let out of a strut from the time I first laid eyes on him. Finally, 2 hours in, the hens split and he raised his head up for his final time. I got within 20-30 yards of him and boom!
35903A83 97C6 4FAC AE4B BE3B1CEF7900

He was delicious!
D9EF8C28 F2E4 453F 9382 A22F9B43F66A


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Aug 13, 2018
Caryville, Tennessee

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Let’s seem them 2020 Thunder chickens!
View attachment 198156View attachment 198157View attachment 198158Had a good stalk on this guy... saw him about 600 yards out in the field and eased through the woods to get setup on him. After about 30-45 minutes with a little calling, I could tell he wasn’t going to do anything. A 75 yard belly crawl across the wheat field was my only option.View attachment 198154
But the hens out in the field we’re going to make it tricky. I had on old nervous hen come within 5 yards about a half dozen times. He didn’t let out of a strut from the time I first laid eyes on him. Finally, 2 hours in, the hens split and he raised his head up for his final time. I got within 20-30 yards of him and boom!
View attachment 198155
He was delicious!
View attachment 198160

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