2015 Pioneer 700-2 Price Check



New Member
Jan 1, 2014
Hello all I've been salivating over the Pioneer 700 2 for a year and a half waiting for the 2015 to come out. Now that its out I've started with price checks. My local dealer in South East PA is asking full retail of $10,299 + Tax, Title, Freight brings it to $11,812 otd. I already inquired about knocking some off the price but they won't budge. I'm going to check a couple competing dealers in the local area to see if they're the same price or if they'll knock it down a few hundred to get the business. Not sure if they'll be more motivated since we're at end of year or not but I'm in no hurry and will continue to wait for the market to saturate a little if I have to. The '15 is a carbon copy of the '14 only with an adjustable front shocks so its not a drastic change that should greatly increase demand. Anyway, what have some of you paid for your P2 2014 or 2015? Thanks! TractorDr.