Hi all , sorry this has probably been beat to death but , im working on a 2012 big red for a freind as he isnt too mechanical, anyway he had issues with it starting , and he put a new starter on it, new solenoid, and put in a new battery. He couldn't get it to start , so he brought it to me , i however am fairly savy with wrench turning , so i figured out that it wasnt turning over but once , acting like it was out of time, like it wont or will barely get past the compression stroke, so after checking valve clearance, its still doing it even with a jump pack on it, after researching and researching i have come to the conclusion it may be the auto decompression lobe on the cam, if you pull the plug it spins fine, i also ran compression check , 90 psi , but i however forgot to open the throttle wide open, which i will do tomorrow. Please any advice , thanks in advance.