10-80 Dirt Sports will be on location at Lake Charles Flea Fest Nov. 13-14



Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
Jul 2, 2019
Kinder, Louisiana

  1. Other Brand

  2. Talon X
Just a little heads up if any of the local guys are planning on going or the wife wants to go, I'll be at Booth Space 77 (a lucky number) on the main center isle, so come visit while the wife shops. We can talk shop, riding spots or whatever. I'll have business cards and stickers as well as limited inventory. I'm going to mainly advertise and get my business name out there for the locals. Local sales are next to nothing, not many people even know I exist, but at the same time I ship parts all over the world. If someone is Australia can find me, surely locals should be able too!

Don't let the name fool you, many sellers are flea market type products but there are also many booths with nice crafts. Many people attend and booth space is cheap so it's a good opportunity for me to get noticed. Location is at the Burton Complex, south of town near the air port. Weather looks great for the whole weekend!!