
  1. C

    P1000 Need help. Shifting not right.

    I've got a 2016 1000/5 and the last couple weeks it feels like the machine can't properly decide which gear it should be in. It feels like it may be a slipping clutch problem. Spins up, shift up, takes a sec to find the gear. Seems like it may behave better in low or sport mode. I checked the...
  2. D

    P1000 2016 Honda Pioneer-1000 Grinding Noise

    Hello, I took my Pioneer out for a ride yesterday on some trails and had it in 4 wheel drive, 4-high. I got into a spot where I had to back up into a small ditch and turn around, as I was going forward climbing out of this small ditch I heard an awful grinding sound and the whole machine...
  3. C

    P700 Transmission/Shifting Issue

    I have a 2017 Pioneer 2017 700-4 Deluxe. It has about 150 hours on it. It is very difficult to shift between the gears. The shifting lever sticks/is very stiff. The machine also does not seem to know what gear it is in as it shows a dash instead of the “D”. The transmission does not shift out of...
  4. C

    Talon stalls when put in forward gear! HELP

    Hey all, got an issue that I can’t figure out lately. When I put my 1000R in gear and go to mash the accelerator, RPM’s drop and then she stalls. If I gas it she will take off and while driving no problems again until I stop and put her back in park or N and then she does it again. Just changed...
  5. Paulie86314


    Has anyone ever had a loss of transmission power while driving and getting a- sign in the drive I have a 2019 1000
  6. J

    P1000 Shifting woes and mt at light stays on

    I'm new here and have been doing lots of reading but I cannot seem to figure out my issue. I would greatly appreciate any help provided. I picked up a 2016 Pioneer 1000-5 that slips between shifts but seems to reverse without slipping. I figured that it just needed clutches so I pulled them...
  7. T

    P700 Repair under Warranty Unaceptable

    On June 5th I took my P700 to dealership where i purchased for locked up transmission. It was within warranty period. Was told would be at least 2 weeks before they could get to it. Well here it is July 11 and still nothing. I did talk with them 1st of July. They said they were behind and were...
  8. S

    P1000 Hello guys, need some help with my 2016 P1k Shifting Issues

    Hey guys, I'm trying to chase down what the dealer and I think is in electrical issue. A new clutch (2nd time) and clutch upgrade was performed. After everything was put back together the sxs will not shift correctly and seems to go into a limp mode. Does it in manual or auto. The oil pressure...
  9. D

    P1000m3 Transmission problems

    I have a major transmission problem with my 2016 Pioneer 1000-3. I started noticing it around 75 hours. When shifting or down shifting from an even numbered gear to an odd numbered gear, the transmission sticks in neutral for a second or two while the engine RPMs increase 1200 to 1500 RPMs...


    I have received some great news from my local dealer here in Maine. After half-burning my R,1,3,5 clutch and experiencing high revs while slowly crawling through rough terrain in a tight woods trail on Thursday night, I spoke to Honda on Friday about getting my 1000-3 fixed. They initially told...